This website publicizes my research and the experimentation with making replicas of the “FE-18”, a guitar that was built in 1864 by Antonio de Torres.

Most of the research took place in 2010 and 2011, and the making of and experimenting with the replicas has been going on ever since. The results of the research are a set of technical drawings that can be purchased here, and a 3D-CT scan of the original instrument that is still under evaluation.


Process 018News from the workbench: Refining the wheatear motif

An extensive process of the replication process and experimentation can be found here.
The most recent pictures I uploaded describe the refining of “the wheatear motif part III”, which will hopefully be the ideal method to make this type of inlay. The process description can be found at the very bottom of this page.


I will be presenting some of my research at the “Future of the Guitar workshop & lecture series” at Parsons The New School in New York in October. The exact date is yet to be announced.

Some of the work showcased here has been funded with the generous support of the Manitoba Arts Council and the Canada Council of the Arts.





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